This week's stitch of the week is one of my favorites -- the Double Stitch. This is an easy stitch to do and very useful as well. It can be used for filling in large areas, as a design element or even as a background stitch.
The stitch consists of two parts. The first part is an oblong cross done over one vertical canvas thread and three horizontal canvas threads. Work horizontal rows from left to right skipping one vertical canvas thread in between oblong cross units. The second row of oblong crosses begins two horizontal canvas threads below the first row. The top of the second row of oblong crosses will overlap or encroach one canvas thread onto the previous row of stitches. The final step is a simple cross stitch inserted in between the oblong cross units.

Adjust the thread amount you use to provide the level of canvas coverage that you desire. Also be sure that all your top stitches are slanted in the same direction for greatest effectiveness. The Double Stitch is a stitch that you will not regret learning and one that you will find many uses for in your stitching projects.
Can you please diagram the Double Stitch. I am a new needlepointer and I really don't understand your written directions. Thank you.