We've got a lot of interesting classes coming up at Rittenhouse Needlepoint. We have a Shading and Thread Blending class on May 12. If you have not already taken this class I would encourage you to do so. The class is full of easy techniques that will get you thinking about your needlepoint in an entirely new way.
On May 19 we are offering a class on the Long and Short Stitch. This is the first time that we have offered this class. It will focus on learning the basics of the Long and Short stitch and also how to apply it in a realistic manner.

"Dude Up Your Canvas" is a class on making your own tassels that will be taught by our finisher Bianca Lindblad. On Saturday May 29, we have another guest instructor, Robin Bannister. Robin has taught at our store before and on the 29th she will be teaching a class in Embroidery.
Looking ahead to June, we will be offering a new class on stitching with overdyed threads (June 8) as well as a new Bargello class on Christmas ornaments.
Also in June will be our second Thread Tasting. The first thread tasting was so popular we've decided to have another. This time we are hoping to bring in fibers that we do not currently sell in the shop in order to get your opinion on whether or not we should. This is destined to be a popular class --be sure to sign up early!
The full class calendar is available online at: http://www.rittenhouseneedlepoint.com/calendar
On May 19 we are offering a class on the Long and Short Stitch. This is the first time that we have offered this class. It will focus on learning the basics of the Long and Short stitch and also how to apply it in a realistic manner.
"Dude Up Your Canvas" is a class on making your own tassels that will be taught by our finisher Bianca Lindblad. On Saturday May 29, we have another guest instructor, Robin Bannister. Robin has taught at our store before and on the 29th she will be teaching a class in Embroidery.
Looking ahead to June, we will be offering a new class on stitching with overdyed threads (June 8) as well as a new Bargello class on Christmas ornaments.

The full class calendar is available online at: http://www.rittenhouseneedlepoint.com/calendar