Took some time out this morning to "smell the roses" as it were. Here's the whole gang enjoying lattes (made by Russell). The only staff members missing are Steve, Patsy and myself (I am taking the photo). Unfortunately, it is also hard to see Mark but it is hard to take photos in the store living room -- so much light coming in through the windows.
Jim the painter is hard at work developing a line of Rittenhouse Needlepoint canvases that will be available for sale soon. I've been working with the Web site designers on the upgrade of our Web site -- very exciting.

Wendy the Magnificent has been busy, busy, busy waiting on customers and re-working the displays in the shop. She doesn't like to have her picture taken so that's why I've included it here! Unfortunately, the photo is a little blurry and she wouldn't let me take another one -- party pooper!

Mark has been updating the Web store placing online Watercolours and Silver Needle. Also online currently is Alexander Collection -- great horse-y canvases. To find any of these collections just type in the search box -- Watercolours, Silver Needle or Alexander Collection.

Russell of course continues to do nothing!! Ha ha.
Your shop looks so wonderful! I may have to come back to Philadelphia just to sit in that cosy space.